In the theater of heaven, angels are making preparations; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are talking about the season that is approaching. The Son is wondering and maybe asking the Father, “Is this the time Father? Is this the year that I can go to abduct my Bride? Is the Bridal chuppah prepared according to Your specifications?” We don’t know what the Father will answer, but we have this gracious, kind invitation from the Holy Spirit called, the season of teshuvah, to allow Him to prepare our hearts JUST IN CASE!
Today, in the theater in heaven, it is the first day of the Hebrew month of Elul. The world may not acknowledge it but, even so, teshuvah winds are blowing….
Suggestions for heart preparation:
– Read and pray the Psalms
– I like to go through old journals during teshuvah and remember tender words God has spoken to me
– Read heart stirring books (Sacred Romance by John Eldridge and Bridal Intercession by Gary Weins have been instrumental in my life)
The main thing is to present your heart and ask for a bridal encounter. The Feast of Trumpets is in 30 days and the King will be back in His palace. But this month, the King is in the Field. He wants to talk to you. He wants to breathe life into your heart. He wants you to fall in love with Him again. It takes God to help us love Him and He will help us. We can do our part… We can say yes and “go out in the field” to meet Him.