Ruth's Road
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The Ruth’s Road Life

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Ruths Road

Celebration of deliverance of the Jewish people from ‘anti-Christ’ spirit (manifested in Hamen) – Deliverance through Esther’s ‘bridal’ intercession (picture of end-time deliverance of the Jewish people)

Feast of Passover
Ruths Road

The biblcal day that the children of Israel put the blood of the lamb on their door posts and were delivered out of Egypt, beginning their ‘redemptive’ journey – 1500 years later, Jesus fulfilled it by paying for our redemption by His blood.

Feast of Unleavened Bread
Ruths Road

The biblical day that the children of Israel ate the lamb and left Egypt at midnight – 1500 years later, Jesus fulfilled it by being put into the grave.

Feast of First Fruits of the barley harvest
Ruths Road

The biblical day that the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea and came up the other side – 1500 years later, Jesus fulfilled it by being raised from the dead.

Counting of the omer
Ruths Road

Marks the 49 day journey of the children of Israel from the shore of the Red Sea to Mount Sinai – 1500 years later, the Holy Spirit encounters the believing Jews in the upper room.

Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)
Ruths Road

First fruits of the wheat harvest, children arrive at Mount Sinai, God reveals Himself as their Bridegroom, married to God; 10 commandments given – 1500 years later, Jesus give the believers the Holy Spirit in the upper room.

Ruths Road

Turning or returning, 40 days of renewing intimacy with the Lord; removing barriers to loving God and being loved by Him; heart preparation for God’s next two appointments: Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur; being found righteous.

Feast of Trumpets, Rosh haShannah
Ruths Road

Beginning of the civil new year; wedding of the Messiah; resurrection of the dead; beginning of ten Days of Awe; day of judgement; coronation of a king; beginning of the events of Jesus second coming.

Feast of Yom Kippur
Ruths Road

Day of atonement; last days of Teshuvah – after this the heavenly gates close and the time of repentance is over.

Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot
Ruths Road

Dwelling in temporary booths for seven days; commanded to rejoice; time of greatest joy; remembering God’s care and provision; prophetic picture of future wedding feast of the Lord, with all nations: Jew and Gentile.

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

Festival of the 8th day, an added day of rejoicing with the Lord and fellowship with His people; also rejoicing in the Torah – Jesus is the Word (Torah).


Celebration of the restoration of God’s house from the defilement of the heathen nations – end time picture of the anti-Christ in Jerusalem before Jesus second coming.

New Moon of Nissan
New Moon of Nissan

This is the day God came down and started His heavenly calendar of appointments to get His Bride. Exodus 12:1 – This is a good time to begin having an understanding and orientation of the Hebrew calendar.

Shabbot Sabbath

The weekly Sabbath is a gift of rest that God gave to man in Genesis 2:1. It is a proclamation before principalities and powers that a Day is coming when, 1) the world will be perfected, 2) the enemy and all evil will be gone and 3) face to face communion between man and God will be restored.

Ruths Road

At the end of the Sabbath, right before sundown that will begin the first day of the week, is a little ceremony called havdalah, meaning “separation”, to say goodbye to the Sabbath for another week.