Dear Ruth’s Road,
Ok – so it’s quite delinquent, but here it is…
Full disclosure? Sometimes, I used to wonder…”Is this all there is? There’s got to be more…” Having been a believer for over 30 years – classic Christian family, good kid, active church member, seminary trained, served in ministry vocationally and in the marketplace in various spheres of society, living out my calling, a heart for nations – and I would let out a quiet sigh and wonder…
Today – I can declare to my wondering, YES, there’s so much more!
I was introduced to the biblical festivals through the wonderful experience of food and celebrating with others first and then through teachings…with more celebrating! Providentially, it was through my love of cooking and feeding people that led to being asked to provide the meals at a special retreat to instruct on the biblical feasts. What an amazing time of researching, preparing, and serving the 11 beautiful meals for the 15 retreat participants from all over the world! I am confident that the last 25 years of my life supernaturally prepared me for those glorious 4 days!
Today – I can testify that my understanding of God’s love and purposes went from being mostly cerebral to seeing His true heart revealed in profound and tangible ways. He continues to invite me to participate in His love story through His calendar. There’s so much more, indeed!
I am beyond thankful to John and Christie Eisner and all those a part of Ruth’s Road for taking a risk by giving me a life changing opportunity that led to a life changed forever!
Feasting & Celebrating,
Linda E. Paek
I don’t think Christie realizes what she has written, it is an awesome book. I have stopped reading books, since I went to a conference and someone said “get your own history, not someone else’s revelation”, so after that I mostly only read the bible. This book is different though, it’s based on scripture as well as experiences to unlock the bible in a way I have never seen it before. It’s not just someone’s view or opinion, it’s based on facts – a true story. I love a romantic story and this, for me, is the best ever because I’m included in it with my bridegroom, King and judge. It just makes me want to know Jesus more and more.
Revelatory, heart-stirring–those are the two words I would use in describing this book. The author’s insights are amazing. She leads you on a thirty-plus-year journey of discovery through personally celebrating the Jewish feasts. The patterns revealing Jesus are incredibly faith-building, but the best part is the way my heart was stirred by her personal experiences. I have read several books on God’s feasts, but this one touched my heart like no other.
The teaching and revelation that John and Christie brought our organization, KCHC, was directional changing. We saw the importance of the Jewish calendar, the festivals, and the Hebrew mind set like never before. As one of my leaders at the end of our seminar said, “That was certainly a game changer.” Christie particularly opened our eyes to the heart of God in these things and how to find Jesus in the middle of it all. I would recommend anyone to get this teaching from Christie and John. Thank you!
My family and I met the Eisner’s seven years ago when we first moved to Kansas City. Eventually we both started taking the same class at our local church and in one of our classes, Christie shared about how Jesus was coming back in the fall feasts. I was captivated, I had always wanted to learn about the Jewish feasts but had not been able to understand them. It wasn’t until two years ago when Christie shared in a small group about the spring feasts and my heart once again came alive. In all of my 30 years of studying the scriptures this was the first time I was able to comprehend not only the feasts but also what my destiny and His perfect plan for me is. This is my destiny to love and be loved by my Jewish bridegroom “Jesus”.
I will be forever thankful to Christie, for taking the time to share with me from her personal experience encountering Jesus in the feasts.
Thank you Jesus for this precious couple!
Revelation and understanding of the Lord’s calendar and His appointed times have greatly impacted my family’s lives. Through Ruth’s Road, we have been deeply touched and forever changed from this teaching. I have asked the Lord for many years to make His word come alive to me, as I am sure we all have. But I have never experienced a burn and hunger for more of His word than when studying out the feasts and reading through the Old Testament at the same time.
My heart came so alive when I could see the perspective the Jewish people and even the disciples would of had towards God. We’ve even shared some of these things with others in our lives through hosting Passover Seders and other discussion contexts. It is an amazing feeling to talk about Passover and all the things being celebrated and remembered and then to line up scripture to support how Jesus came to fulfill it.
Something Ruth’s Road has also taught us is the application or engagement of your heart is the most important thing and to not worry about getting all the details of a Seder or feast celebration perfect. The Lord desires relationship and that has never changed. When we engage our hearts with His appointed times, it’s like showing up to a meeting that has been going on for centuries and we don’t have to be perfect or get every detail in the correct order, we just get to come! How amazing! Through “showing up”, our hearts are transformed, especially as we begin to see the feasts and scripture from the Hebraic perspective it was written and intended.
Over Passover, we don’t worry about missing a piece of leaven as we go through and clean out the house to prepare. We focus rather on engaging our mind about removing the leaven we have in our hearts and lives, even as we attempt to get all the physical leaven out of our home. What a powerful message of freedom and holy obedience all in one!
The Ruth’s Road team really is focused and intentional regarding loving others well in the context of the Lord’s calendar and living out the revelation of these times while still holding on tightly to Jesus, our Messiah, and revealing Him through each appointed time!
John and Christie,
Tuesday night was an inspiration to me, it was a game changer kind of night. I was so so very blessed to be apart of this entire festival and love story with you. I really don’t know how to put words with it all but I feel as though the wool has been removed form my eyes and I can see clearly. I have had visions of movie clips and silly analogies form the 21st century that the Lord has given me to try and understand this in a simpler way. The simple fact is that was the best night of my life outside of coming to know the Lord, and heck I shared that night with you all too!
I really could go on and on about what that night meant so I just want to say thank you. Thank you for allowing us to join you in this beautiful love story. Thank you for laughing at my bad jokes and for accepting us all where we are in our journey. I just can’t believe I WAS AT THAT TABLE? ME? REALLY? What an honor and a joy!
I appreciate you both so much and I really hope I can visit you again very soon. Sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense I typed it fast and with my heart not my head.