John and Christie got married in 1974, the fact that Christie was a Gentile and John was Jewish was not an issue to them. It was, however, an issue to John’s parents who were holocaust survivors and had lost all their family in Nazi Germany. They did not want their son marrying a Gentile girl that would lead him away from his Jewish faith. While Christie assured them that she had no religious affiliation that would persuade him contrary to their beliefs, God had other plans. One year later John and Christie became Christians. Now that her mother-in-law’s worse fear had come true, Christie decided to try to soften the blow of their conversion by acting interested in what they believed. At her first Passover celebration with John’s family in 1976, Christie had a divine encounter that took her completely by surprise. She found Jesus hidden in an ancient ceremony within the Passover called “Yahatz”, or “breaking” the afikoman. After that night, with an insatiable hunger to know Jesus, she began her long journey of looking for the revelation of Jesus and God’s heart in all the Biblical feasts.