At her first Passover Seder with John’s Jewish family in 1976, Christie had a divine encounter that took her completely by surprise. She found Jesus hidden in an ancient ceremony within the Passover called “Yahatz”, or “breaking” a matzo cracker called, the “afikoman”. She asked Him, “What are You doing in this Jewish thing?” He answered, “All the feasts are about Me. Christianity is Jewish.” After that night, with an insatiable hunger to know Jesus, she began her long journey of looking for the revelation of Jesus and God’s heart in all the Biblical feasts. While her first book, Finding the Afikoman: encountering Jesus in the spring feasts, focused on the first coming of Jesus; this second book will take you on a journey with Christie through the fall feasts and Jesus’ return to the earth. As in her first book, Christie will continue to share personal stories and encounters, mostly from her journals that span over four decades. Her discoveries will broaden your understanding of scripture from their Jewish perspective, and reveal to you the family and culture that Romans 11 says that you have been grafted into. What is Christie’s conclusion about the feasts? “They are all about a wedding.” The spring feasts begin with the courtship between Jesus and His Bride and end with a betrothal. The fall feasts begin with the consummation of His wedding and end in a glorious wedding feast! Christie’s prayer is that, in reading this book, you will realize that you are part of the greatest love story ever told!
Thank you, thank you for this vivid, beautiful picture of Jesus that, even though I have a Bachelor’s degree in Christian theology, suddenly made so much of the Bible that I didn’t fully understand make so much more sense. Many of the other books and groups and videos and online discussions on Judaism and the feasts I’ve researched have made them feel so wooden and awkward, focusing on foreign words and foreign concepts that I couldn’t imagine implementing in real life. Your books helped me truly understand the valuable, ongoing purpose of the feasts as tools God uses to share with each of us how cherished and valued we are to Him, and of the joy He has up His sleeve for us.
By Monica Heyden on July 20, 2018
This should be required reading for everyone including Jews. I liked the simplicity and understandability of the revelations. How it all fits together as Gods plan unfolds is amazing!
By Ron Bryant on June 19, 2018
Encountering Jesus in the Falls Feasts will open the church’s bridal eyes painted for us not only through God’s feasts but throughout all of Scripture. The author has put together so many missing pieces of the biblical puzzle and yet it all came through years of experiencing what God was teaching. The information can seem overwhelming unless we allow our hearts to be stirred by God’s absolutely perfect picture and plan. This is a book to be prayerfully studied in order to make the revelations your own. It answers so many questions and ties so many scriptural pictures together. The plan, the picture, is stunning! You will look at the Revelation and the Bible in a whole new way. I believe the Lord has given her an incredible revelation of the divine pattern for the end of days.
By Sharon Spicka on August 8, 2018