Finding the Afikoman - Amazon - Ruth's Road - Chinese

Finding the Afikomen (Chinese)

In this book, Christie share personal stories and encounters, mostly from her journals that span over three decades. Her discoveries will not only broaden your understanding of scripture from their Jewish perspective, and reveal to you the family and culture that Romans 11 says that you have been grafted into; it will also encourage your heart. What is Christie’s conclusion about the feasts? “They are all about a wedding!”


I was in the process of studying the Feasts when a friend told me about this book. It was revelation to me, giving me a depth of understanding about the Feasts and how they are relevant to me as a Christian that I had never seen. It’s easy to read and to understand. So glad Christie wrote this book and can’t wait for the book on the Fall Feasts to be available.
By Joyce on March 28, 2016

What a well-written delight! I love the premise of progressive revelation of God Who is Always There but
only is revealed to the hungry. We are all on a journey to see God, and it is so stirring to read about the journey of a “fellow traveler”. Next year in Jerusalem!
By Bill H on December 23, 2015

Revelatory, heart-stirring–those are the two words I would use in describing this book. The author’s insights are amazing. She leads you on a thirty-plus-year journey of discovery through personally celebrating the Jewish feasts. The patterns revealing Jesus are incredibly faith-building, but the best part is the way my heart was stirred by her personal experiences. I have read several books on God’s feasts, but this one touched my heart like no other.
By Sharon Spicka on October 24, 2015

I don’t think Christie realises what she has written, it is an awesome book. I have stopped reading books, since I went to a conference and someone said “get your own history, not someone else’s revelation”, so after that I mostly only read the bible. This book is different though, it’s based on scripture as well as experiences to unlock the bible in a way I have never seen it before. It’s not just someone’s view or opinion, it’s based on facts – a true story. I love a romantic story and this, for me, is the best ever because I’m included in it with my bridegroom, King and judge. It just makes me want to know Jesus more and more.
By Teresa on November 14, 2015